CUPON: Two Years and Growing

Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhoods (CUPON)

CUPON organizations are all-volunteer non-profit community-based organizations with hundreds of members. The organizations were formed to orchestrate awareness of building and zoning deviations that adversely affect the character of our diverse community. We are concerned about the decisions being made that can endanger our residents and first responders.

Our mission is to advocate for decisions by local elected governing bodies and appointed planning and zoning boards that safeguard the character of our neighborhoods, and the health and safety of our residents.  

We work with the Rockland County “Rockland Codes Initiative”, “Rental Registry”, local fire departments, and some municipalities to identify proposed over-development projects and illegal housing. We seek legal and consultant services for advice to prepare and pursue remedies when the governing body’s actions are not in the best interests of our residents. 

Please join or form a CUPON organization and help preserve our diverse neighborhoods, and save the quality of life we have enjoyed. Our efforts will continue to make Rockland a pleasant place to live for all residents.

CUPON organizations already formed and operational are:

CUPON – Hillcrest

CUPON – Chestnut Ridge

CUPON – Airmont

CUPON – New City

VERAFI – Monsey

CUPON – New Hempstead

Other forming organizations:


               Central Monsey



To learn more about our organization, visit us on Facebook at:

Please share this with your friends and family, and ask them to share it with others.  If you would like a CUPON organization to contact you, please email us at:, or complete the information below and mail it to us. 

Thank You!      

                                                                               Mail your info to us at the following :

Your Name: ______________________________   CUPON
Your Address: ___________________________   P. O. Box 419
                            ___________________________  Pomona, NY 10970
Your Email: ______________________________  

Your Phone: ____________________